Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Staying Focused

I always want to apologize for being in my caterpillar stage...for not already being a butterfly. That really needs to stop. It is part of what makes me lose my focus on blogging the important things I need to think about and say.

Maintaining focus and consistency in working toward goals and desired outcomes is what is important. On a forum I read regularly there was a reference to Kipling's poem "If" today. Kipling knew about remaining focused in all circumstances. He understood my difficulties of battling with my mind's nature to run amok and to seek and grab negative input from inner and outter sources. (After all, if I am compulsively chasing things which are contrary to my goals, I have an excuse for not succeeding.)

You've got to keep your head and wits about you no matter what. You've got to maintain inner peace no matter what the circumstances around you. If you cannot ignore the energy draining and emotion-eating maggots that steal your peace of mind and focus, then you need to grapple with those vampires and put them down where they need to be. Don't ever let them run things.

Deal with them swiftly and succinctly; then, put them away to focus on desired outcomes.

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