Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cleaning out a drawer.

I do NOT need 58 raggedy outfits to wear around the house! I don't want them. I am not that person any more. Willa Caterpillar is coming out of her cocoon....well, I have been for awhile. Now it is just time to dispose of the leavings.

I am going to throw out a bunch of raggedy, slop-around clothes...not even going to burden Goodwill or the Salvation Army with disposing of them. XXXL size T-shirts...bleach stained XXL flannel pants I cannot even keep up any more...items which no one would want to purchase or wear. Just worn out old junky, ugly drawer clutter.

Baby Steps to Cleaning out the Drawer

1) Open the drawer!
2) Pull everything out one at a time and sort into three piles -
  1. Will go back into drawer or be stored elsewhere;
  2. Will go to charity;
  3. Goes to the trash.
3) Bag up charity items and go put it in the
4) Bag up trash and go put it in the trash receptacle...right this minute.
5) Put the keepers back into the drawer or store elsewhere.

6) Open another drawer! Repeat steps 2 - 6.

My dresser drawers have been reclaimed! feels so good!

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