Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby Steps Relating to Putting Away the Laundry

(No neaties allowed! Welcome all ye messies, ADHD-prone and procrastinators!)

So you've got a load of clothes in your dryer. Either you can let the buzzer goes off until the sorry S.O.B. stops buzzing, or you can go get your clothes out and put them away properly. I have had enough of the former, let's concentrate on the latter.

1) Anticipate that hangers will be necessary! We are now thinking ahead, something that we need to learn. Next, gather as many as you think you will need. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to count the items, gather the hangers and not have to stop mid-hanging so that the opportunity might come for getting side-tracked.

2) Hang up the item. I like to group the items based on the areas of the closet they should go.

3) Fold up any folding clothes in the group. Every last little straggling item that you keep washing because you don't know where to put it. Make yourself decide where it is going to go.

3) Put hanging clothes away.

4) Put towels away.

5) Put any folding clothing away.

6) Put away the stragglers. If all they do is multiply or lie around on your floor or other spaces, throw it away.


Having trouble getting started?

Just commit to doing four hang-up items off of your laundry pile.

Decide to collect only four hangers and put only four items away. Set a timer and do another four every thirty minutes. My guess is that the second trip to the closet will have you gathering all the hangers you need to do the whole job.

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