Today's goal was met! I maintained two small rules I have written for myself for the second day in a row. The rules are:
- Wash a load of clothes each day so that Saturday or Sunday isn't an all consuming wash day.
- Do not go to bed with any dirty dishes in the sink so that dirty dishes never becomes more than a five minute problem.
I am happy with myself. I mindfully credit myself with having the character to carry out a decision. I sit down and blog about it and savor the moment.
As I have said before, some of the entries on this blog are clearly elementary for so many people, but for me and for people like me who are struggling to gain a handle on things it is an important means to an end. Most people who know me in work, church and life would not believe I have struggled so much to create systems of organization and habits to put me back on the road I left so long ago.
I do not know how long it will take me to reshape my behavior to return to a place where I feel I am no longer driven by unproductive habits, but I am patient and I will stay the course. Success is a process. There's a decision to change, then a plan to reach the desired change, and then much repetition of new behaviors which will attain the goal of change.
Changing is not an easy accomplishment; but as we all know, nothing worth having is easy.