Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturdays and Sundays are so much better

I have worked steadily at keeping the clothes washed throughout the week and committing to keeping the dishes out of the sink. (See January 21, 2008 blog.) Only one day over the last couple of weeks do I remember a stack up of either.

It makes Saturdays and Sundays so much better! On Saturday of this weekend I woke up to a neat home without clothes strewn everywhere and without a kitchen that looked like a bomb went off in it. I was energized. Rather than schlepping around getting the dishes under control and doing laundry with a vengeance all day I did the following necessary chores after getting dressed from head to toe, including makeup:

(a) Groomed two dogs - clipped and bathed them;
(b) Cleaned up the inside of my car - it had been needing doing for months;
(c) Replaced the registration sticker on the inside of the windshield;
(d) Made a list and went to the grocery store; and
(e) Vacuumed.

Today is Sunday. I will go to church this morning, see my friends and enjoy the day. I need to have a productive plan for 30 minutes or an hour of chores, so I plan to replace all light bulbs that need replacing, and I plan to drop off two bags of clothes I need to get out of my spare room. I will also plan my clothes line up for the week ahead. I did that last week and it made my life very easy each morning.

This week I will continue to keep clothes washed each day and continue to keep my sink free of dishes.

I will add the habit of straightening the living room before bed each night and every morning before I go to work. This is something I have been doing haphazardly but I will do it with dedication in the upcoming week.

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